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This is certainly a topic, and field, that will become increasingly relevant as time goes on.

As you point out, increasing the (active and healthy) human life span has rather pronounced effects on the economics of retirement, pensions, and healthcare -- above and beyond the inexorable drive of the human species to increase the length and percentage of the joyful component of life's journey while minimizing the amount of time spent in the pain and suffering of debilitation.

The "fountain of youth" has long been sought -- but there are some "catches". For starters, can you imagine such a 'pill' being inexpensive and available to the masses ? Such a treatment would almost certainly tend to increase the gap in the quality of life between rich and poor, as opposed to uniformly float the boats of humanity. That, of course, is no reason to stifle medical research and advances -- it is just an observation about likely social 'side effects'.

More importantly, if the issues associated with the aging of the most vital organ for human experience -- the brain -- are not successfully addressed or solved, then extending organic existence another few decades could have tremendous negative blowback.

Life in general, and we humans in particular, are lucky enough to inhabit a mysterious, entropy-defying vehicle for far longer than chaos theory would have predicted, and -- if we can manage to meet our basic needs -- should be thankful for the opportunity to be part of the fabric of human consciousness for however long a flash-in-the-pan window that we are given. Longevity is a good thing -- as long as it is truly healthy.

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